How to Heal Naturally

How to Heal Naturally

Everyone wants better health and by using natural remedies we all can make our bodies stronger and healthier. Here is how to use natural remedies to heal your body.

Things You'll Need:

The Green Book Of Health


The first step to healing naturally is knowing what you are trying to heal. All natural remedies can be used to heal internal & external health issues, regardless of how severe the health issue is. Natural remedies will in most cases bring about a full recovery, but it is guaranteed that if it doesn't fully heal you, it will at least make you feel a lot better.


The second step is finding out which natural remedies you can use to bring about healing. This is the only part of the natural healing process that can be difficult. It is difficult because there are so many resources available and it is hard to find just one book that has everything you want without all the "filler"(There is a solution for this below).


Step three is where you put into action everything from step two. Here's a secret on how to maximize your bodies healing potential. This involves some back tracking to step two, but the secret to maximizing healing cures is using multiply forms of natural healing to cure the illness.

This is where the back tracking begins. You probably found some Home Remedies or some Homeopathic medicine to use when you where in step two, but by only using one or two forms of natural healing you are only activating about 1/3 of your bodies healing ability. You want to heal right away, without having to visit the doctor's office, so why not use 100% of your bodies healing ability. Here is what you do...

Instead of randomly looking for natural healing cures for your illness, setup a structured plan, that will increase your bodies ability to heal. Use ALL forms of natural healing remedies, not just one or two. Make sure to use Acupressure, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Magnet Therapy, Healing Crystals, Home Remedies, and Homeopathic medicine. Plus you can also use the diagnosing and healing benefits of Acupuncture and Iridology.


If you can use all of the different natural healing techniques mentioned above you will succeed in regaining your health. Like I said before though, the hardest part is finding all the Acupressure points, Healing Crystals...etc for your illness. I know trying to find just two forms of natural remedies is hard enough, let alone trying to find all 10 of them(I have a solution below).

Anyway once you have everything ready you can begin using natural healing methods. The
about natural remedies is that you can use them anytime and anywhere. There are no expensive medications or week long waits to get an appointment to see your doctor, you can start to bring about healing today(and for free in most cases). Start healing yourself with natural remedies.

Tips & Warnings

I promised a quick and easy solution to the difficulty of looking up all the natural healing methods you need, in order to cure your illness. Well, I found THE GREEN BOOK OF HEALTH about a year ago and it has made using natural healing so much easier. The book covers over 60 common illnesses and with each illness they have already collected all the Acupressure, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Home Remedies, Homeopathic medicine, Magnet Therapy, Healing Crystals, Acupuncture, and Iridology needed to heal the selected illness. The book is on sale for $9.95

How to Heal From Child Abuse Through Reiki

How to Heal From Child Abuse Through Reiki

Reiki can be a powerful way to help a person heal from child abuse. Reiki is sort of like having a spiritual massage, but the power of Reiki runs much deeper. By setting an intention before each Reiki session, a person can direct energy toward the areas that need healing. Also, it is possible to track your healing from child abuse through Reiki sessions. Reiki is also a great way to help heal a person who has difficulty with being touched because no physical contact is required in order to receive Reiki. Here is how to heal from child abuse through Reiki.

Things You'll Need:

Intention (an idea of what you would like to heal in each session)

Open mind


Understand what Reiki is. Reiki is a Japanese technique to relieve stress as well as promote relaxation and healing. It is like having a spiritual massage. A Reiki master places his hands either on or near your body to channel energy into your spirit. Reiki is never harmful. Reiki is simply a flow of positive energy that has the power to heal a person’s physical, emotional or spiritual wounds.


Find a Reiki master. You will be working closely with your Reiki master, so try to find one that you trust. If you were abused by one gender, consider finding a Reiki master of the opposite gender. Ask yourself if you can consider opening up to this person about your healing journey.


Set boundaries for where you want to be touched. Reiki does not have to involve touching because the Reiki master is connecting with your aura, which is around your body. However, some Reiki masters will touch your body lightly in various (non-private) places throughout the session. If you do not want to be touched in certain places, tell your Reiki master ahead of time.


Talk to the Reiki master about your issues. If you feel comfortable doing so, tell your Reiki master about your history of child abuse. This will enable your Reiki master to offer suggestions for intentions and might even help the Reiki master to track your healing progress.


Decide upon an intention for each session. Reiki is a flow of healing energy, and that healing energy can go many places. Decide where you want it to go (your “intention”) before each session. For example, do you want to let go of past hurts or anger? Do you want to feel present in your body? If you cannot decide, your intention can always be “for my greatest good.”


Notice where you feel the energy working. Many child abuse survivors do not live in their bodies. Some child abuse survivors will only feel the healing energy in the head or feet rather than throughout the entire body. If you have parts of yourself that feel “cold” or do not feel as if they are being affected by the healing energy, this might indicate that you still have a lot of healing work to do. As you continue to heal, those “frozen” parts will “thaw,” and you will feel the Reiki energy flowing throughout every part of your body.


Listen to what the Reiki master tells you. Sometimes the Reiki master might “see” things that speak to you. For example, he might “see” a little child curled up in a ball looking frightened. This might be your inner child needing your love and attention. Or the Reiki master might feel a lot of heat generating from your liver. This could be a sign of your need to work on processing anger.


Go to multiple sessions. Reiki is not going to be able to heal all of your spiritual wounds in one session. However, with repeated sessions, you will be able to heal on deeper and deeper levels.

Tips & Warnings

Sometimes Reiki releases negative energy that manifests itself by making you need to use the bathroom. Tell the Reiki master if you need to take a bathroom break during the Reiki session.

How to Heal Dry, Cracked Hands

How to Heal Dry, Cracked Hands

Dry hands can be painful. These tips will help heal your dry, cracked hands.

Things You'll Need:

Olive Oil

Crazy Glue

Moisturizing Soap

Cotton Socks


Hand washing.

Wash hands with gentle cleansers that do not contain alcohol. There are some very good soaps that contain moisturizers. Look for natural ingredients on the label like, aloe, shea butter and olive oil. Follow up with a moisturizer after washing.


Night time treatment.

Rub calendula oil all over your hands and cover your hands with cotton socks. Keep them on for at least an hour or sleep with them on if possible.



For cracks that wont seem to close or heal, clean your hands well. Push together the skin and put a drop of Crazy Glue over it. This will give the skin a chance to heal. The glue will last only a few days, do not pull it off or you will further injure yourself.



Drink lots of water and other non-alcoholic beverages to hydrate your skin from within. If possible, take a long bath to assist in hydrating your skin.

Tips & Warnings

California Baby and Weleda make really great calendula creams that do not contain parabens and other yucky stuff.

Apricot Kernel Oil is also great to use on dry cracked hands. Burts Bees makes a great product. A little bit goes a long way.

Don't over do the Crazy Glue and be sure the crazy glue has dried before touching anything or your skin will stick to the item. Use common sense when it comes to crazy glue. (do not try this with other glues!)

How to Heal Common Ailments with Homeopathy

How to Heal Common Ailments with Homeopathy

There are common ailments that can be taken care of through natural homeopathic remedies. Many of these remedies can be found around the home and in the garden for use to help heal and improve an ailment. Read on to learn how to heal common ailments with hoemopathy.

Upset Stomach and Indigestion


Peppermint tea is known to be helpful with not only with the common cold but for also soothing an upset stomach. It is the best the steep the tea for about 20 minutes in 5 oz. of boiling water. Drinking the tea three to four times a day will help to relieve the symptoms.


Chamomile tea is also another great homeopathic remedy that is good with relieving stomach indigestion. It is good to use to helping with reducing insomnia and invoking sleep.


Ginger root tea helps with soothing indigestion and heartburn problems. Cut the ginger root into a quarter inch size and use a spoon or knife handle and pound in the ginger root to get some of the juices out. Place the cut pieces into the 5 oz. cup of boiling water and allow to sit for 10 to 15 minutes, sweeten to taste and drink the tea. You can drink the tea up to four times a day.

Healing the Common Cold


Echinacea is one of the most popular treatments in helping to heal common cold. The plant can help boost the immune system through reducing the severity or length of the cold. It can be taken in either pill form or a tincture method of the juice.


Chicken soup not only helps with sweating out the cold but also helps with reducing the length of the cold and providing nutrients to the body. The elixir has the ability to help clear the nasal passages, and eases chest congestion.


Licorice is has been historically known to treat skin problems and coughs. It has also been used to treat bronchitis, inflammation, constipations, sore throats, chronic gastritis and arthritis. The root helps to loosen up the thickness of the mucus that the body produces from a cold of flu virus. It can be taken through tablet, and other forms.

Getting Rid of Bad Breath


The way to help treat bad breath is to use honey and fresh squeezed lemon juice. Squeeze the lemon juice on a spoon and add some honey and drink. Do this in the morning and at night before retiring to bed. This helps to get rid of the bad breath and add in the benefit of increasing energy in the body.


Another way is to use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), hydrogen peroxide, salt and purified water. In a cup, mix the peroxide with a punch of salt and baking soda. Scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper or brush your tongue with a toothbrush, then gargle and swish the concoction in your mouth with the homemade mouthwash for several minutes. Do this at least twice a day.


Drink hot tea such as green and black teas which are known to stop the growth of bacteria in the mouth.


Use a zinc based mouthwash to help with fighting bad breath. Zinc is known to neutralize sulfur compounds and help improve bad breath.

Tips & Warnings

Do seek immediate medical attention if you have any allergic reactions to these homeopathic methods.

How to Heal Bed Sores

How to Heal Bed Sores

Bed sores aren't fun for anyone who gets them. In this article you will learn about a few different ways of how to heal bed sores.

Things You'll Need:

Powdered sugar


Calendula liquid


Gauze pads


Flower of sulfur

Liquid vitamin E

Cotton swab


Apply honey onto a gauze pad and then apply it to the bed sore every night. Be sure to change the gauze pad every morning, washing the area gently before applying a new gauze pad with honey. It can take up to two weeks or a little longer to heal.


Mix together flower of sulfur and cornstarch. Dust the bed sores lightly with the flower of sulfur and cornstarch mixture. This will help protect the bed sores from becoming infected.


Clean the bed sores gently and then very carefully apply liquid vitamin E onto the bed sores with a cotton swab. This will help speed up the healing process as well as relieve some of the pain. If liquid vitamin E is hard to come by or is too expensive then use vitamin E capsules. Break open a capsule and simply apply it directly to the bed sores.


When bed sores are open pack the entire area with powdered sugar and then cover them with airtight bandages. Before changing the bandages gently wash the area with calendula liquid. Make sure to change the bandages every morning and every evening, applying fresh powdered sugar.

Tips & Warnings

Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed within this article.

How to heal a wound with honey

How to heal a wound with honey

Honey has natural healing properties, containing antibiotic compounds that fight infections in even difficult-to-heal wounds.

Things You'll Need:


Appropriate wound dressing, such as gauze & first aid tape, or bandaids


Carefully clean the wound to remove debris.


Apply honey with your clean finger.


Cover the wound with appropriate dressing. Repeat steps daily until the wound heals.

Tips & Warnings

See if you can find unfiltered "raw" honey from a local distributor. (Check with natural health food stores.) This is the best honey to use, but honey from your grocery store is useful as well.

How to heal a sore throat

How to heal a sore throat

Sore throat but you have plans? Here is a quick way to sooth and heal that sore scratchy throat.

Things You'll Need:


sea salt

chamomile tea

raw honey


GARGLE with WARM sea salt and water. Table salt tends to irritate the throat. Use just one teaspoon of sea salt.


Drink chamomile tea with a teaspoon of raw honey. Make sure it says raw honey, most honey's in the grocery store contain a lot of corn syrup with very little honey!


2 Tylenol
Very soon after you should be feeling as good as new!

Tips & Warnings

Gargle sea salt water 3 times a day for max results. It helps clear the infection.

How to Heal a Skin Problem Using Castor Oil

How to Heal a Skin Problem Using Castor Oil

Sometimes, strange eruptions can appear on the skin that are different than blemishes, such as warts or other growths in the skin where there is no visible opening or issue or body fluids. Generally there are two apparent choices: to see the dermatologist or just live with it. But there is one more powerful step you can take that requires a little patience and persistence. At worst, it will complement anything a dermatologist can do to a significant degree.

Things You'll Need:

Bottle of castor oil

Cotton swabs

Adhesive bandages


Go to a health food or nutrition store (such as Whole Foods) or your local natural foods co-op and purchase the highest quality castor oil for topical use you can find. It is inexpensive and you get a large bottle that will last you for years. Palma Christi makes an excellent one.


Each night for at least 30 days, find a time that you can invest 1 to 5 minutes to perform the simple task of applying the castor oil directly to the eruption. Wash your hands, peel back any clothing that is near the spot and keep a couple of paper towels around to catch any drops. Castor oil can be very messy, especially until you get used to it.


Soak as much as you can into the tip of the cotton swab. You can either remove the cap and carefully dip the swab tip into it or try to very carefully pour a drop or two from the press-open cap. One thing that happens easily is that the outside of the bottle quickly becomes oily if even a microscopic drop is allowed to run down the outside of the cap.


Apply the oil to the spot with the swab until you can visibly see that there is so much oil on the eruption that it is beginning to tear and run off. It is better to start with a little less than you think you need than to risk using too much. You can always add more later, but castor oil goes a lot farther than you think it will.


Rub the oil into the spot gently but firmly with the tip of your forefinger. Even squeeze the spot while you are rubbing between your thumb and forefinger. You will often notice that as you rub in the oil, the eruption will at first feel rough and crusty then will become softer. There is no advantage in rubbing any oil into any of the skin around the spot, so focus on the eruption only. Really force the oil to absorb into the wart. The more time you can spend on this, the better.


Once you have completed the treatment, go wash and dry your hands. This is where you will see how far the oil really goes. Don't be discouraged; this will be easier and cleaner the more times you do it.


Now apply a bandage loosely over the spot. This prevents the oil from getting on your clothes or bed linens. You can even forget about it until you bathe or remove it at any time you prefer. The oil will usually fully absorb and dry up in a few hours.


Keep this up as long as it takes for the eruption to change and eventually disappear. It will eventually go away if you are persistent with this therapy.


If you get discouraged after a few weeks or become too lazy to continue this process, you will see that when the dermatologist freezes (or burns) off the eruption that it will be much easier and faster with far fewer follow-up visits because of your effort.