How to Heal Naturally

How to Heal Naturally

Everyone wants better health and by using natural remedies we all can make our bodies stronger and healthier. Here is how to use natural remedies to heal your body.

Things You'll Need:

The Green Book Of Health


The first step to healing naturally is knowing what you are trying to heal. All natural remedies can be used to heal internal & external health issues, regardless of how severe the health issue is. Natural remedies will in most cases bring about a full recovery, but it is guaranteed that if it doesn't fully heal you, it will at least make you feel a lot better.


The second step is finding out which natural remedies you can use to bring about healing. This is the only part of the natural healing process that can be difficult. It is difficult because there are so many resources available and it is hard to find just one book that has everything you want without all the "filler"(There is a solution for this below).


Step three is where you put into action everything from step two. Here's a secret on how to maximize your bodies healing potential. This involves some back tracking to step two, but the secret to maximizing healing cures is using multiply forms of natural healing to cure the illness.

This is where the back tracking begins. You probably found some Home Remedies or some Homeopathic medicine to use when you where in step two, but by only using one or two forms of natural healing you are only activating about 1/3 of your bodies healing ability. You want to heal right away, without having to visit the doctor's office, so why not use 100% of your bodies healing ability. Here is what you do...

Instead of randomly looking for natural healing cures for your illness, setup a structured plan, that will increase your bodies ability to heal. Use ALL forms of natural healing remedies, not just one or two. Make sure to use Acupressure, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Magnet Therapy, Healing Crystals, Home Remedies, and Homeopathic medicine. Plus you can also use the diagnosing and healing benefits of Acupuncture and Iridology.


If you can use all of the different natural healing techniques mentioned above you will succeed in regaining your health. Like I said before though, the hardest part is finding all the Acupressure points, Healing Crystals...etc for your illness. I know trying to find just two forms of natural remedies is hard enough, let alone trying to find all 10 of them(I have a solution below).

Anyway once you have everything ready you can begin using natural healing methods. The
about natural remedies is that you can use them anytime and anywhere. There are no expensive medications or week long waits to get an appointment to see your doctor, you can start to bring about healing today(and for free in most cases). Start healing yourself with natural remedies.

Tips & Warnings

I promised a quick and easy solution to the difficulty of looking up all the natural healing methods you need, in order to cure your illness. Well, I found THE GREEN BOOK OF HEALTH about a year ago and it has made using natural healing so much easier. The book covers over 60 common illnesses and with each illness they have already collected all the Acupressure, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Home Remedies, Homeopathic medicine, Magnet Therapy, Healing Crystals, Acupuncture, and Iridology needed to heal the selected illness. The book is on sale for $9.95