How to sell used clothes online
Want to learn to sell used clothes online? Do you have fabulous clothes in your closet you no longer wear? Would you rather sell them yourself rather than take them to a consignment store? I will provide you step by step instructions for selling your used clothes so you can keep 100% of the proceeds.
Things You'll Need:
digital camera
good, natural light
a pile of great clothes you no longer want
1. Put on some music and go through your closets and dressers. Pull out anything you haven't worn in 2 years. Also consider things that you've worn more recently but don't love anymore and don't plan on wearing.
2. Using a neutral background such as a hardwood floor or beige carpet take photos in good natural light with the flash turned off. The flash can distort the image and color so natural light is best. Make sure the pictures are coming out well before you proceed to all of your items. Be sure to photograph the front, back and any close-up detail that is important.
Upload you photos into your computer and use photo shop to make sure they all look good and are properly lined up and facing the right direction. Delete the bad ones, keep only the good, clear ones.
Using an on-line re-selling website, create a profile. From the add item screen of the site upload item descriptions of each item you are selling. Select the proper category to place each item, describe the size, color, any flaws, how much you paid for the item and how many times you've worn it.
Always be sure to be as accurate as possible when describing you items for sale.
Upload the pictures from the website's browse button.
Repeat for each item you are selling. This is a bit of a tedious process but you will get faster as you get more experienced. It will eventually only take a few minutes for each item.
Once all of your items are place up for sale, be sure and check your emails reqularly for offers and sales. When a purchase is made, be sure to ship out the item nicely folded, clean and in good packaging. For free packaging use USPS priority mail boxes. You can price out shipping charges with the USPS website, but they begin at just under five dollars and go up with added weight.
Tips & Warnings
Pick a day when you have a few hours of free time to post your items.
Use the USPS free priority mail packaging or buy your own at a discount office supply store.
Always ship your item in a timely fashion.
Other than the standard, ebay site, good and inexpensive site to sell your used clothes is They also offer a fashion swapping option if that appeals to you.
Be careful of people who want to pay COD or by personal check. It is probably best to use paypal or have them send out a cashiers check.
Want to learn to sell used clothes online? Do you have fabulous clothes in your closet you no longer wear? Would you rather sell them yourself rather than take them to a consignment store? I will provide you step by step instructions for selling your used clothes so you can keep 100% of the proceeds.
Things You'll Need:
digital camera
good, natural light
a pile of great clothes you no longer want
1. Put on some music and go through your closets and dressers. Pull out anything you haven't worn in 2 years. Also consider things that you've worn more recently but don't love anymore and don't plan on wearing.
2. Using a neutral background such as a hardwood floor or beige carpet take photos in good natural light with the flash turned off. The flash can distort the image and color so natural light is best. Make sure the pictures are coming out well before you proceed to all of your items. Be sure to photograph the front, back and any close-up detail that is important.
Upload you photos into your computer and use photo shop to make sure they all look good and are properly lined up and facing the right direction. Delete the bad ones, keep only the good, clear ones.
Using an on-line re-selling website, create a profile. From the add item screen of the site upload item descriptions of each item you are selling. Select the proper category to place each item, describe the size, color, any flaws, how much you paid for the item and how many times you've worn it.
Always be sure to be as accurate as possible when describing you items for sale.
Upload the pictures from the website's browse button.
Repeat for each item you are selling. This is a bit of a tedious process but you will get faster as you get more experienced. It will eventually only take a few minutes for each item.
Once all of your items are place up for sale, be sure and check your emails reqularly for offers and sales. When a purchase is made, be sure to ship out the item nicely folded, clean and in good packaging. For free packaging use USPS priority mail boxes. You can price out shipping charges with the USPS website, but they begin at just under five dollars and go up with added weight.
Tips & Warnings
Pick a day when you have a few hours of free time to post your items.
Use the USPS free priority mail packaging or buy your own at a discount office supply store.
Always ship your item in a timely fashion.
Other than the standard, ebay site, good and inexpensive site to sell your used clothes is They also offer a fashion swapping option if that appeals to you.
Be careful of people who want to pay COD or by personal check. It is probably best to use paypal or have them send out a cashiers check.