How to Use Healing Touch for Wound Sealing

How to Use Healing Touch for Wound Sealing

Wound Sealing is a pain management technique used in Healing Touch to repair leaks in the human energy field. This procedure can heal painful scars, drainage points, puncture sites and incisions left by surgical procedures. Learn this energy technique by following the steps below.


Use a pain scale to assess your client's pain level before and after treatment. A number scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain) will provide a subjective measure of healing and/or progress.


Prepare for treatment by centering yourself and becoming in tune with your client. Standing behind your client, visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Begin the Wound Sealing technique by scanning the problem area with the palms of your hands moving them back and forth. Try to sense any unusual sensations (throbbing, pulsing, or tingling) in the area.


Gather healing energy around the wound by turning your hands over (as though you were folding a cover) repeatedly over the area. Seal the leak by placing both palms over the area, holding them still for 1 minute.


Reassess your client's energy field by rescanning your client and checking for leaks. Their problem area should now feel like the rest of the energy field.


Complete the Wound Sealing process by evaluating your client's experience noting any changes in pain, tension, breathing or skin color. Ask them for feedback.