How to Heal Naturally

How to Heal Naturally

Everyone wants better health and by using natural remedies we all can make our bodies stronger and healthier. Here is how to use natural remedies to heal your body.

Things You'll Need:

The Green Book Of Health


The first step to healing naturally is knowing what you are trying to heal. All natural remedies can be used to heal internal & external health issues, regardless of how severe the health issue is. Natural remedies will in most cases bring about a full recovery, but it is guaranteed that if it doesn't fully heal you, it will at least make you feel a lot better.


The second step is finding out which natural remedies you can use to bring about healing. This is the only part of the natural healing process that can be difficult. It is difficult because there are so many resources available and it is hard to find just one book that has everything you want without all the "filler"(There is a solution for this below).


Step three is where you put into action everything from step two. Here's a secret on how to maximize your bodies healing potential. This involves some back tracking to step two, but the secret to maximizing healing cures is using multiply forms of natural healing to cure the illness.

This is where the back tracking begins. You probably found some Home Remedies or some Homeopathic medicine to use when you where in step two, but by only using one or two forms of natural healing you are only activating about 1/3 of your bodies healing ability. You want to heal right away, without having to visit the doctor's office, so why not use 100% of your bodies healing ability. Here is what you do...

Instead of randomly looking for natural healing cures for your illness, setup a structured plan, that will increase your bodies ability to heal. Use ALL forms of natural healing remedies, not just one or two. Make sure to use Acupressure, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Magnet Therapy, Healing Crystals, Home Remedies, and Homeopathic medicine. Plus you can also use the diagnosing and healing benefits of Acupuncture and Iridology.


If you can use all of the different natural healing techniques mentioned above you will succeed in regaining your health. Like I said before though, the hardest part is finding all the Acupressure points, Healing Crystals...etc for your illness. I know trying to find just two forms of natural remedies is hard enough, let alone trying to find all 10 of them(I have a solution below).

Anyway once you have everything ready you can begin using natural healing methods. The
about natural remedies is that you can use them anytime and anywhere. There are no expensive medications or week long waits to get an appointment to see your doctor, you can start to bring about healing today(and for free in most cases). Start healing yourself with natural remedies.

Tips & Warnings

I promised a quick and easy solution to the difficulty of looking up all the natural healing methods you need, in order to cure your illness. Well, I found THE GREEN BOOK OF HEALTH about a year ago and it has made using natural healing so much easier. The book covers over 60 common illnesses and with each illness they have already collected all the Acupressure, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Home Remedies, Homeopathic medicine, Magnet Therapy, Healing Crystals, Acupuncture, and Iridology needed to heal the selected illness. The book is on sale for $9.95

How to Heal From Child Abuse Through Reiki

How to Heal From Child Abuse Through Reiki

Reiki can be a powerful way to help a person heal from child abuse. Reiki is sort of like having a spiritual massage, but the power of Reiki runs much deeper. By setting an intention before each Reiki session, a person can direct energy toward the areas that need healing. Also, it is possible to track your healing from child abuse through Reiki sessions. Reiki is also a great way to help heal a person who has difficulty with being touched because no physical contact is required in order to receive Reiki. Here is how to heal from child abuse through Reiki.

Things You'll Need:

Intention (an idea of what you would like to heal in each session)

Open mind


Understand what Reiki is. Reiki is a Japanese technique to relieve stress as well as promote relaxation and healing. It is like having a spiritual massage. A Reiki master places his hands either on or near your body to channel energy into your spirit. Reiki is never harmful. Reiki is simply a flow of positive energy that has the power to heal a person’s physical, emotional or spiritual wounds.


Find a Reiki master. You will be working closely with your Reiki master, so try to find one that you trust. If you were abused by one gender, consider finding a Reiki master of the opposite gender. Ask yourself if you can consider opening up to this person about your healing journey.


Set boundaries for where you want to be touched. Reiki does not have to involve touching because the Reiki master is connecting with your aura, which is around your body. However, some Reiki masters will touch your body lightly in various (non-private) places throughout the session. If you do not want to be touched in certain places, tell your Reiki master ahead of time.


Talk to the Reiki master about your issues. If you feel comfortable doing so, tell your Reiki master about your history of child abuse. This will enable your Reiki master to offer suggestions for intentions and might even help the Reiki master to track your healing progress.


Decide upon an intention for each session. Reiki is a flow of healing energy, and that healing energy can go many places. Decide where you want it to go (your “intention”) before each session. For example, do you want to let go of past hurts or anger? Do you want to feel present in your body? If you cannot decide, your intention can always be “for my greatest good.”


Notice where you feel the energy working. Many child abuse survivors do not live in their bodies. Some child abuse survivors will only feel the healing energy in the head or feet rather than throughout the entire body. If you have parts of yourself that feel “cold” or do not feel as if they are being affected by the healing energy, this might indicate that you still have a lot of healing work to do. As you continue to heal, those “frozen” parts will “thaw,” and you will feel the Reiki energy flowing throughout every part of your body.


Listen to what the Reiki master tells you. Sometimes the Reiki master might “see” things that speak to you. For example, he might “see” a little child curled up in a ball looking frightened. This might be your inner child needing your love and attention. Or the Reiki master might feel a lot of heat generating from your liver. This could be a sign of your need to work on processing anger.


Go to multiple sessions. Reiki is not going to be able to heal all of your spiritual wounds in one session. However, with repeated sessions, you will be able to heal on deeper and deeper levels.

Tips & Warnings

Sometimes Reiki releases negative energy that manifests itself by making you need to use the bathroom. Tell the Reiki master if you need to take a bathroom break during the Reiki session.

How to Heal Dry, Cracked Hands

How to Heal Dry, Cracked Hands

Dry hands can be painful. These tips will help heal your dry, cracked hands.

Things You'll Need:

Olive Oil

Crazy Glue

Moisturizing Soap

Cotton Socks


Hand washing.

Wash hands with gentle cleansers that do not contain alcohol. There are some very good soaps that contain moisturizers. Look for natural ingredients on the label like, aloe, shea butter and olive oil. Follow up with a moisturizer after washing.


Night time treatment.

Rub calendula oil all over your hands and cover your hands with cotton socks. Keep them on for at least an hour or sleep with them on if possible.



For cracks that wont seem to close or heal, clean your hands well. Push together the skin and put a drop of Crazy Glue over it. This will give the skin a chance to heal. The glue will last only a few days, do not pull it off or you will further injure yourself.



Drink lots of water and other non-alcoholic beverages to hydrate your skin from within. If possible, take a long bath to assist in hydrating your skin.

Tips & Warnings

California Baby and Weleda make really great calendula creams that do not contain parabens and other yucky stuff.

Apricot Kernel Oil is also great to use on dry cracked hands. Burts Bees makes a great product. A little bit goes a long way.

Don't over do the Crazy Glue and be sure the crazy glue has dried before touching anything or your skin will stick to the item. Use common sense when it comes to crazy glue. (do not try this with other glues!)

How to Heal Common Ailments with Homeopathy

How to Heal Common Ailments with Homeopathy

There are common ailments that can be taken care of through natural homeopathic remedies. Many of these remedies can be found around the home and in the garden for use to help heal and improve an ailment. Read on to learn how to heal common ailments with hoemopathy.

Upset Stomach and Indigestion


Peppermint tea is known to be helpful with not only with the common cold but for also soothing an upset stomach. It is the best the steep the tea for about 20 minutes in 5 oz. of boiling water. Drinking the tea three to four times a day will help to relieve the symptoms.


Chamomile tea is also another great homeopathic remedy that is good with relieving stomach indigestion. It is good to use to helping with reducing insomnia and invoking sleep.


Ginger root tea helps with soothing indigestion and heartburn problems. Cut the ginger root into a quarter inch size and use a spoon or knife handle and pound in the ginger root to get some of the juices out. Place the cut pieces into the 5 oz. cup of boiling water and allow to sit for 10 to 15 minutes, sweeten to taste and drink the tea. You can drink the tea up to four times a day.

Healing the Common Cold


Echinacea is one of the most popular treatments in helping to heal common cold. The plant can help boost the immune system through reducing the severity or length of the cold. It can be taken in either pill form or a tincture method of the juice.


Chicken soup not only helps with sweating out the cold but also helps with reducing the length of the cold and providing nutrients to the body. The elixir has the ability to help clear the nasal passages, and eases chest congestion.


Licorice is has been historically known to treat skin problems and coughs. It has also been used to treat bronchitis, inflammation, constipations, sore throats, chronic gastritis and arthritis. The root helps to loosen up the thickness of the mucus that the body produces from a cold of flu virus. It can be taken through tablet, and other forms.

Getting Rid of Bad Breath


The way to help treat bad breath is to use honey and fresh squeezed lemon juice. Squeeze the lemon juice on a spoon and add some honey and drink. Do this in the morning and at night before retiring to bed. This helps to get rid of the bad breath and add in the benefit of increasing energy in the body.


Another way is to use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), hydrogen peroxide, salt and purified water. In a cup, mix the peroxide with a punch of salt and baking soda. Scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper or brush your tongue with a toothbrush, then gargle and swish the concoction in your mouth with the homemade mouthwash for several minutes. Do this at least twice a day.


Drink hot tea such as green and black teas which are known to stop the growth of bacteria in the mouth.


Use a zinc based mouthwash to help with fighting bad breath. Zinc is known to neutralize sulfur compounds and help improve bad breath.

Tips & Warnings

Do seek immediate medical attention if you have any allergic reactions to these homeopathic methods.

How to Heal Bed Sores

How to Heal Bed Sores

Bed sores aren't fun for anyone who gets them. In this article you will learn about a few different ways of how to heal bed sores.

Things You'll Need:

Powdered sugar


Calendula liquid


Gauze pads


Flower of sulfur

Liquid vitamin E

Cotton swab


Apply honey onto a gauze pad and then apply it to the bed sore every night. Be sure to change the gauze pad every morning, washing the area gently before applying a new gauze pad with honey. It can take up to two weeks or a little longer to heal.


Mix together flower of sulfur and cornstarch. Dust the bed sores lightly with the flower of sulfur and cornstarch mixture. This will help protect the bed sores from becoming infected.


Clean the bed sores gently and then very carefully apply liquid vitamin E onto the bed sores with a cotton swab. This will help speed up the healing process as well as relieve some of the pain. If liquid vitamin E is hard to come by or is too expensive then use vitamin E capsules. Break open a capsule and simply apply it directly to the bed sores.


When bed sores are open pack the entire area with powdered sugar and then cover them with airtight bandages. Before changing the bandages gently wash the area with calendula liquid. Make sure to change the bandages every morning and every evening, applying fresh powdered sugar.

Tips & Warnings

Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed within this article.

How to heal a wound with honey

How to heal a wound with honey

Honey has natural healing properties, containing antibiotic compounds that fight infections in even difficult-to-heal wounds.

Things You'll Need:


Appropriate wound dressing, such as gauze & first aid tape, or bandaids


Carefully clean the wound to remove debris.


Apply honey with your clean finger.


Cover the wound with appropriate dressing. Repeat steps daily until the wound heals.

Tips & Warnings

See if you can find unfiltered "raw" honey from a local distributor. (Check with natural health food stores.) This is the best honey to use, but honey from your grocery store is useful as well.

How to heal a sore throat

How to heal a sore throat

Sore throat but you have plans? Here is a quick way to sooth and heal that sore scratchy throat.

Things You'll Need:


sea salt

chamomile tea

raw honey


GARGLE with WARM sea salt and water. Table salt tends to irritate the throat. Use just one teaspoon of sea salt.


Drink chamomile tea with a teaspoon of raw honey. Make sure it says raw honey, most honey's in the grocery store contain a lot of corn syrup with very little honey!


2 Tylenol
Very soon after you should be feeling as good as new!

Tips & Warnings

Gargle sea salt water 3 times a day for max results. It helps clear the infection.

How to Heal a Skin Problem Using Castor Oil

How to Heal a Skin Problem Using Castor Oil

Sometimes, strange eruptions can appear on the skin that are different than blemishes, such as warts or other growths in the skin where there is no visible opening or issue or body fluids. Generally there are two apparent choices: to see the dermatologist or just live with it. But there is one more powerful step you can take that requires a little patience and persistence. At worst, it will complement anything a dermatologist can do to a significant degree.

Things You'll Need:

Bottle of castor oil

Cotton swabs

Adhesive bandages


Go to a health food or nutrition store (such as Whole Foods) or your local natural foods co-op and purchase the highest quality castor oil for topical use you can find. It is inexpensive and you get a large bottle that will last you for years. Palma Christi makes an excellent one.


Each night for at least 30 days, find a time that you can invest 1 to 5 minutes to perform the simple task of applying the castor oil directly to the eruption. Wash your hands, peel back any clothing that is near the spot and keep a couple of paper towels around to catch any drops. Castor oil can be very messy, especially until you get used to it.


Soak as much as you can into the tip of the cotton swab. You can either remove the cap and carefully dip the swab tip into it or try to very carefully pour a drop or two from the press-open cap. One thing that happens easily is that the outside of the bottle quickly becomes oily if even a microscopic drop is allowed to run down the outside of the cap.


Apply the oil to the spot with the swab until you can visibly see that there is so much oil on the eruption that it is beginning to tear and run off. It is better to start with a little less than you think you need than to risk using too much. You can always add more later, but castor oil goes a lot farther than you think it will.


Rub the oil into the spot gently but firmly with the tip of your forefinger. Even squeeze the spot while you are rubbing between your thumb and forefinger. You will often notice that as you rub in the oil, the eruption will at first feel rough and crusty then will become softer. There is no advantage in rubbing any oil into any of the skin around the spot, so focus on the eruption only. Really force the oil to absorb into the wart. The more time you can spend on this, the better.


Once you have completed the treatment, go wash and dry your hands. This is where you will see how far the oil really goes. Don't be discouraged; this will be easier and cleaner the more times you do it.


Now apply a bandage loosely over the spot. This prevents the oil from getting on your clothes or bed linens. You can even forget about it until you bathe or remove it at any time you prefer. The oil will usually fully absorb and dry up in a few hours.


Keep this up as long as it takes for the eruption to change and eventually disappear. It will eventually go away if you are persistent with this therapy.


If you get discouraged after a few weeks or become too lazy to continue this process, you will see that when the dermatologist freezes (or burns) off the eruption that it will be much easier and faster with far fewer follow-up visits because of your effort.

How to Use Healing Touch for Wound Sealing

How to Use Healing Touch for Wound Sealing

Wound Sealing is a pain management technique used in Healing Touch to repair leaks in the human energy field. This procedure can heal painful scars, drainage points, puncture sites and incisions left by surgical procedures. Learn this energy technique by following the steps below.


Use a pain scale to assess your client's pain level before and after treatment. A number scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain) will provide a subjective measure of healing and/or progress.


Prepare for treatment by centering yourself and becoming in tune with your client. Standing behind your client, visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Begin the Wound Sealing technique by scanning the problem area with the palms of your hands moving them back and forth. Try to sense any unusual sensations (throbbing, pulsing, or tingling) in the area.


Gather healing energy around the wound by turning your hands over (as though you were folding a cover) repeatedly over the area. Seal the leak by placing both palms over the area, holding them still for 1 minute.


Reassess your client's energy field by rescanning your client and checking for leaks. Their problem area should now feel like the rest of the energy field.


Complete the Wound Sealing process by evaluating your client's experience noting any changes in pain, tension, breathing or skin color. Ask them for feedback.

How to Use Healing Touch for Chakra Connection

How to Use Healing Touch for Chakra Connection

The Chakra Connection is an energy technique developed by Dr. W. Brugh Joy. This procedure is used in Healing Touch to facilitate energy flow through the major chakras for increased health and vitality. It may be used individually, during one-on-one sessions or two-on-one treatments. Learn how the Chakra Connection works with these steps.


Stand behind your client and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Prepare for treatment by having your client lie on their back on a bed or massage table. Center your attention on your heart imagining a ball of light radiating from your heart up to your throat. Divide the light into two balls sending one to each shoulder and down the arms to your palms.


Begin by standing to the right of your client placing one hand on their right knee while the other gently holds their ankle. Maintain your hold for approximately one minute or until you feel the flow of energy between your hands.


Continue progressing from legs to head holding your hands on the following areas for one minute: right knee to hip, left ankle to knee, left knee to hip, both hips, root (area below groin) to abdomen (sacral center between belly button and groin), abdomen to solar plexus (between belly button and heart), solar plexus to spleen (below ribs on left side of body), solar plexus to heart, heart to high heart (between throat and heart), right wrist to elbow, right elbow to shoulder, left wrist to elbow, left elbow to shoulder, both shoulders, high heart to throat, throat to brow (forehead), brow to crown (top of head), crown to transverse point (area six to eight inches above the head).


Conclude the Chakra Spread by holding your client's feet and saying their name softly.

How to Use Guided Imagery to Prepare for Surgery

How to Use Guided Imagery to Prepare for Surgery

Guided imagery is a relaxation technique that can be used to help you prepare for an upcoming surgery. The more relaxed you are, the less stress hormones you will have, meaning your surgery may be more successful and you may heal better after the surgery. Guided imagery promotes deep relaxation using key words, relaxing images and breathing techniques. This relaxation process works wonders with
dealing with surgeries.

Things You'll Need:

Guided imagery CDs

CD player/headphones


Purchase a few guided imagery CDs. You can purchase them online at places such as Amazon or perhaps from your hospital.


Start listening to your CDs as soon as you can and plan on listening to them at least once every day until your surgery.


Consider putting the CDs into your computer, and then downloading them onto an MP3 player. MP3 players such as Ipods are more transportable than CD players.


Talk to your care provider about using guided imagery before your surgery. So much research promotes its use that your doctor may be extremely supportive of using this technique. Your doctor may be able to recommend a CD or a tape to listen to, or your hospital may actually sell guided imagery CDs.


Find out if you can listen to your CD up until the point you go under anesthesia. Some hospitals will also allow you to wake up from anesthesia listening to the CD. You may have to bring your own headphones and CD player or MP3 player.

How to Use Grape Seed for High Blood Pressure

How to Use Grape Seed for High Blood Pressure

It is estimated that one out of every three Americans have high blood pressure or hypertension. Anyone with hypertension should take all steps to lower it. Recent studies have shown that grape seed extract helps in lowering high blood pressure.

Things You'll Need:

Grape seed extract


Seek your health care professional's guidance. He or she will take into account the cause and the conditions of your high blood pressure. Your health care provider will be able to tell you what supplements may be able to help you.


Read the studies done with grape seed extract for high blood pressure (see Resources below). There is a lot of information on grape seed extract and its other benefits. Learn about the supplement you intend to take.


Purchase a good quality grape seed extract supplement. 150-300 milligrams of grape seed extract daily is the recommended dosage.


Take grape seed extract. Most studies show that it takes about four weeks to see results. Taking supplements on a regular basis shows the best results.


Follow a healthy lifestyle. Grape seed extract may help lower your blood pressure. Diet and exercise are also important factors. Take all precautions to lower your blood pressure.


Monitor your blood pressure. High blood pressure is called the silent killer. You should have your blood pressure checked frequently.

Tips & Warnings

If you are allergic to grapes, you are probably allergic to grape seed extract.

Herbs and dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA. Make sure that you purchase a reliable brand.

Continue to take any prescription medication your doctor has prescribed for you. Grape seed extract is a supplement, not a replacement for medication.

How to Use Geranium in Aromatherapy

How to Use Geranium in Aromatherapy

The rose geranium originally came from South Africa, and its essence wasn't distilled until the 19th century, making it a late entrant into aromatherapy. Geranium essential oil has a vast amount of uses and such a pleasant smell that it has become very popular in today's practice of aromatherapy.


Use geranium essential oil to relieve stress, depression and PMS. The pleasant fragrance has been used to uplift the spirits and also aids in balancing the levels of hormones for women.


Stimulate the immune system with the aroma of the geranium in an essential oil diffuser. The immune system has a strong effect on the body's ability to heal burns, clear acne, heal after surgery and treat colitis and other digestive problems.


Clear up a sore throat, help with asthma and dry up the mucus with geranium. Using a few drops of essential oil of geranium in a bath or in a diffuser can be a step to clearing these conditions. It soothes the lining of the mucus membranes.


Slow bruising and help clear the spider veins by massaging with a small amount of almond oil mixed with geranium essential oil. The plant's antihemorrhagic properties make the rose geranium ideal to reduce the effects of an internal broken capillary.


Relieve arthritis pain with a massage oil scented with geranium essential oil. Geranium contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help reduce the pain of arthritis and rheumatism. It's also good to use after a fall or accident.


Increase your circulation by applying geranium essential oil or by bathing in a tub scented with it. The properties of rose geranium help stimulate poor circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. This aids many other areas and also helps with varicose veins and hemorrhoids

Tips & Warnings

Geranium may irritate sensitive skin. Avoid use during
due to antispasmodic properties.

How to Sew a Removable Hat Band

How to Sew a Removable Hat Band

People notice people who wear hats. However, most of us don't have the space or money to buy a hat to match several outfits. Learn to sew removable hat bands to coordinate with your clothing and save both your storage space and your money. Just start with a basic hat in a neutral color, such as cream, black or tan.


Decide which outfits you want to accessorize with a hat. Cut small color swatches from the outfit, or take the outfit with you to the fabric shop. If you're having a skirt shortened, ask the tailor to save the material for a hat band.


Look for coordinating stretchy fabric in luxurious colors and textures at your local fabric shop. A quarter of a yard is the minimum amount most shops will sell, and that will be more than enough to sew the hat band. Buy thread to match the fabric, and if the fabric isn't stretchy, purchase 1 inch wide elastic.


Wrap the fabric around the hat and cut to fit, allowing 1 inch for the seam allowance. To make a 2 inch band, cut the width to 4 inches plus a 1 inch seam allowance.


Turn under 1/2 inch at one of the short ends and sew the end seam. Sew only the seam without closing the end of the fabric because you will slip the other short end inside this finished end later.


Pin the right sides of the fabric together and sew the long seam with 1/2 inch seam allowances. Turn the fabric right side out. You should have a tube of fabric open at both ends.


Measure the elastic to fit the hat band with 1/2 inch extra for overlapping if the fabric isn't stretchy. Insert the elastic through the fabric tube and sew the ends together.


Finish the stretchy or non-stretchy hat band by slipping the raw end inside the finished end and sewing the ends together with slip stitches. Slide the removable hat band over the hat.

Tips & Warnings

You can further embellish the hat band by pinning brooches, earrings and fabric roses to the hat band itself.

Make hat bands of different widths for different outfits. A bold outfit calls for a wider band while a softer romantic look will coordinate with a narrower band.

Don't use a floppy hat as the foundation for your removable hat bands. The band may squeeze the crown out of shape, and floppy hats are for seasonal beach wear not for wearing with your best dresses and pantsuits.

How to Sew a Pair of Spring Shorts

How to Sew a Pair of Spring Shorts

For the beginner seamstress, tackling a complex project such as dressy trousers or slacks can be intimidating. Taking on the challenge of a casual pair of shorts is more in line with the skills you will have acquired after completing only a handful of sewing projects. If you can stitch a straight line, you can sew a pair of shorts for your spring wardrobe.

Select Your Style


Choose a design with a drawstring waistband if you are looking for a quick and easy shorts pattern.


Pick a pattern that features a button and fly front closure if you want to challenge your skills further by learning how to insert a zipper.


Select a pattern for a pair of shorts in a length that will be flattering. You can find patterns for spring shorts in anything from the shortest hot pants to a trendy capri length.


Purchase a pattern that is well proportioned. The overall width of the shorts leg should suit the length of the hem.


Shop for fabric that is suitable for spring


. Corduroys and velvets should be avoided--you should opt for light-weight fabrics made of cotton or linen instead.

Construct Your Spring Shorts


Lay out the pattern on the fabric, paying attention to the grain lines of both. Use straight pins to secure the pattern.


Cut out the pattern pieces in the fabric, making sure to notch the areas indicated on your shorts pattern. Typically, you'll find these markers along the waist, hips and inseam.


Sew the fronts and backs of your shorts first. At the same time, you will install the hip pockets if they are included in the design.


Stitch the crotch seam after completing the front and back of your shorts. You will need to ease the material through the curve to ensure a proper fit.


Sew the side seams next, using a flatfell seam to add a professional detail. Remember that the flatfell seam is a method commonly used in the construction of jeans and other casual pants.


Attach the waistband, paying attention to its placement. You will also need to insert any closures such as zippers or buttons.


Finish your shorts by sewing a 1-inch hem with a decorative double row of top-stitching. You might use a contrasting thread to complete this customized look.


Press your new shorts before wearing them, making sure to tie off and remove any loose threads.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid working with knit or stretchy materials for your first pair of shorts. These fabrics are challenging to deal with, even for the experienced seamstress.

How to Sew a Hidden Pocket Into a Bra

How to Sew a Hidden Pocket Into a Bra

Are you traveling abroad? Are you worried about pick-pocketers? The solution is simple, especially if you are a woman. Sew a hidden pocket into your bra. Read this eHow to learn more.


Choose a padded bra in which you'd like to make a hidden pocket. A padded bra works best because it allows you the layers to work with.


Use a seam ripper to make a slit between the padding and the inner lining. Do this step carefully so as not to rip the fabric by a mistake.


Sew some Velcro at the opening to seal it. You might want to sew the Velcro to reinforce it, so the Velcro won't peel away from the bra, making it difficult to access the inner pocket.


Hand-finish any seams to give the bra a flat appearance. The hand seams will be more discrete.


Fold any money so it is as flat as possible before inserting it the hidden pocket of your bra.


Cut a small square of lace, and sew it into the inside panel of your bra, leaving a portion unsewn to act as a flap.


Attach a snap by sewing it onto the inside of the flap to secure the flap closed. A snap would certainly be quieter to actuate than Velcro, but you could use Velcro as well should you prefer it as the flap fastener.

How to Set Up Patio Umbrella Lights

How to Set Up Patio Umbrella Lights

Patio umbrella lights have both functional and decorative uses. First, they illuminate the area beneath the umbrella so that you can enjoy the outdoors even as it gets dark. Additionally, they add soft ambiance to your setting. There are many different styles of patio umbrella lights, but most fall into two categories: string lights and lamps.

Things You'll Need:

Screwdriver (optional)

Attach Patio Umbrella Lamps Securely


Take the umbrella out of its stand.


Slide the clamp for the lamp up the umbrella pole until it gets to your preferred height.


Tighten the clamp around the pole so the lamp stays in place. You may have to use a screwdriver to tighten the clamp, but others will have a twist key or some other tightening mechanism installed.


Insert the lamp into the clamp and thread wires if necessary. Most patio umbrella lamps are independent of their clamps.


Remove the lamp from the clamp when you collapse the umbrella. Typically, the clamp can stay in place without impeding the umbrella's closing mechanism. You may have to lower the clamp if it is too high.

Attach String Patio Umbrella Lights


Set up the umbrella in its stand.


Untangle the LED light strings from the packaging.


Secure the light strings to each of the ribs that butt against the umbrella fabric. Most umbrellas have eight ribs, and most string lighting kits are designed for eight ribs. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for attachment.


Attach the light string to the circumference of the umbrella.


Secure the battery pack to the umbrella pole. Attach wires to the battery pack.


Use an extension cord from indoors or an outdoor electric outlet if the lights run off an outlet current. Wind the power cord down the pole and plug it in, being sure it won't cause people to trip.

Tips & Warnings

Look for string lights that aren't affected by one light going out. You don't want to have to buy and install a whole new set of lights if one bulb burns out.

Get umbrella lamps that are battery operated if you don't have an outlet nearby. Battery-operated string lights will have a battery pack that attaches to the middle of the umbrella pole.

Use hanging candle or oil lamps for quick and easy patio umbrella lighting. These lamps are easy to set up because they just hang from the ribs of the umbrella and don't require any wiring.

Exercise caution when using open flame lights, as these are a fire hazard. Hold your hand between the flame and the umbrella to be sure they aren't too close. Don't let
play around umbrellas with hanging candle or oil lamps.

How to Sell Your Fur Coat

How to Sell Your Fur Coat

Maybe you've just moved to Miami. Or maybe that coat you spent thousands on a few years ago is woefully out of
now. Turn to one of several fur companies that buy and sell used furs on a consignment basis--if it's in good condition.


Learn as much as you can about your fur beforehand. What kind of fur is it and how old is it? What is the coat's style and size?


Get your coat appraised at a fur specialist (look under "Fur Dealers" in the Yellow Pages). U.S. law requires furriers to appraise garments in person. Age has less to do with the value of a used garment than the care it has been given over the years (proper cold storage during the summer months is a huge factor).


Send your coat to one of three retailers that purchase or consign used fur from anyone in the United States: Henry Cowit Inc. and Ritz Furs in New York City, and Chicago Fur Outlet in Chicago. After inspection, they'll give you an estimated resale price.


Sell your coat through a newspaper (preferably, a cold-climate region) or an online ad on or

Tips & Warnings

It's easier to resell a darker fur such as mink or sable.

Donate a fur coat that's in bad condition to a charity as a tax deduction. Furriers usually don't resell coats in bad condition.

How to Sell Your Engagement Ring

How to Sell Your Engagement Ring

Whether the result of a broken engagement or failed marriage, an engagement ring is often an unwanted symbol of the past. Read on to learn how to sell your ring for the best possible price. Maybe you will land enough cash to jump-start your new life.


Have your ring appraised by a certified jeweler. Potential sellers will look for evidence of the ring's value, as well as its size, cut and condition.


Take your ring to a jeweler for cleaning and repair. You want your ring to be in the best possible condition for sale.


Ask your jeweler to take pictures of your ring. You will want professional images to accompany the listing of your ring. Have pictures taken from several different angles to demonstrate your ring's quality and unique characteristics.


Research the selling prices of similar pieces for size, cut, clarity and other characteristics to determine your selling price.


List your ring on an online auction site, in your local classifieds (online or print) or place it with a local jewelry consignment shop. Expect to get approximately 50 to 70 percent of the appraisal value of your ring. List a higher price so that you will have room to negotiate.


Be prepared to show potential buyers all paperwork associated with your ring: appraisal, original box and receipt, proof of cleaning and repair and any matching pieces (like a wedding band or earrings).


Verify any and all payments prior to accepting them.

Tips & Warnings

Consider getting insurance for your ring if you haven't already.

Get a second opinion if you're unhappy with your first appraisal.

Meet potential buyers in a safe, public place. Take a friend with you if you feel uncomfortable going alone.

How to Sell Used Jewelry Online

How to Sell Used Jewelry Online

Maybe you just don't enjoy wearing that diamond necklace anymore. Maybe you need the cash for other things. Perhaps your tastes have changed and you're ready to cash in your old jewelry, or maybe you have inherited a jewelry box full of beautiful earrings and brooches that you'll never wear. There are dozens of reasons why you might want to sell used jewelry online, and several different methods to do it. The one you choose will depend on how much jewelry you have to sell, and how much you want to get for it.

Things You'll Need:

Internet access

Selling Jewelry Online


Have your jewelry appraised by a jeweler or a local buyer to get an idea of the worth of the pieces you want to sell. Keep in mind that most jewelry buyers will pay about 1/3 retail price for used jewelry.


Choose a method of selling your jewelry. You can sell through an auction site like eBay, through a free auction site, or to a pawnbroker or estate buyer. If you're only selling a few pieces, then any of those methods make sense. If you're planning to make a business out of selling used jewelry, then consider opening an eBay store or creating your own Web site.


Use your favorite search engine to find Web sites of companies that buy used jewelry.


Read the terms and conditions carefully so that you understand what the company is offering to buy. Some companies only pay for the metal in your jewelry items based on their weight. Others will pay a "fair market value" for the entire piece. If the company is only paying for the gold, silver or platinum by weight, you should know that before you agree to ship the jewelry to them.


Research the company before doing business with them. Check the Tips section of this article for ideas.


When you're satisfied that a company is legitimate, follow the instructions to request an insured Tyvek mailer from them. If the company gives you a receipt or tracking number, be sure to save it somewhere safe.


When you receive the mailer, pack your jewelry item into it and follow the instructions for returning it to the company.


The company will appraise your item within 24 hours of receiving it. Some will e-mail or call you with an offer. Others will send you a check for the appraised amount. Expect that amount to be about 1/3 the appraised insurance value.


If you're satisfied with the amount, cash the check. If you're not, follow the instructions given by the company to reject their offer. The company will return your item to you at their own expense.

Check the Legitimacy of the Company You are Dealing With


Make sure the company's physical location is marked prominently on their Web site.


Check that the company's Terms and Conditions are clearly stated and that the company's liability in case of loss is included.


Make sure that the company explains their appraisal and purchasing process clearly and in simple terms.


Check the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints made against the company (see Resources).


Check the Web site for a contact telephone number and then use it to talk to someone at the company (you don't need a specific reason, you are just checking that the phone number is real).

Tips & Warnings

If you are planning to sell used jewelry on an ongoing basis, consider building an eBay store.

You can also auction the item yourself on eBay or a free auction site.

Don't do business with any company whose information you can't verify.

How to sell used clothes online

How to sell used clothes online

Want to learn to sell used clothes online? Do you have fabulous clothes in your closet you no longer wear? Would you rather sell them yourself rather than take them to a consignment store? I will provide you step by step instructions for selling your used clothes so you can keep 100% of the proceeds.

Things You'll Need:


digital camera

good, natural light

a pile of great clothes you no longer want


1. Put on some music and go through your closets and dressers. Pull out anything you haven't worn in 2 years. Also consider things that you've worn more recently but don't love anymore and don't plan on wearing.


2. Using a neutral background such as a hardwood floor or beige carpet take photos in good natural light with the flash turned off. The flash can distort the image and color so natural light is best. Make sure the pictures are coming out well before you proceed to all of your items. Be sure to photograph the front, back and any close-up detail that is important.


Upload you photos into your computer and use photo shop to make sure they all look good and are properly lined up and facing the right direction. Delete the bad ones, keep only the good, clear ones.


Using an on-line re-selling website, create a profile. From the add item screen of the site upload item descriptions of each item you are selling. Select the proper category to place each item, describe the size, color, any flaws, how much you paid for the item and how many times you've worn it.

Always be sure to be as accurate as possible when describing you items for sale.

Upload the pictures from the website's browse button.

Repeat for each item you are selling. This is a bit of a tedious process but you will get faster as you get more experienced. It will eventually only take a few minutes for each item.


Once all of your items are place up for sale, be sure and check your emails reqularly for offers and sales. When a purchase is made, be sure to ship out the item nicely folded, clean and in good packaging. For free packaging use USPS priority mail boxes. You can price out shipping charges with the USPS website, but they begin at just under five dollars and go up with added weight.

Tips & Warnings

Pick a day when you have a few hours of free time to post your items.

Use the USPS free priority mail packaging or buy your own at a discount office supply store.

Always ship your item in a timely fashion.

Other than the standard, ebay site, good and inexpensive site to sell your used clothes is They also offer a fashion swapping option if that appeals to you.

Be careful of people who want to pay COD or by personal check. It is probably best to use paypal or have them send out a cashiers check.